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AUSTIN, Texas (CNN) -- I'm not known for my patience. Patience is a polite quality and often appropriate, but it rarely gets things done. Impatience, however, is the hunger for results and intolerance for excuses and delays. Impatience got me over countless mountain passes, across the finish line in New York City and through four rounds of ruthless chemotherapy 10 years ago. Yet this election season I patiently waited to hear a candidate for office explain to constituents what he or she planned to do about one of the leading threats to the health and well-being of all Americans -- cancer. My patience was greeted with silence. Cancer will impact one in two men and one in three women in their lifetime. It is devastating and it is pervasive. In fact, every year 1.3 million Americans are diagnosed with cancer. (Visit a CNN special, "Saving Your Life" ) Thankfully, our country has made tremendous progress in this fight and produced remarkable advances in the way we prevent, diagnose and treat cancer. Today, in many cases, we can humbly say that cancer is no longer a death sentence. The medical advances achieved by our nation's best doctors and researchers have given us reasons to hope. But in spite of this vast body of knowledge, 1,500 people will die from cancer today and tomorrow and the day after that, often because the care they needed to prevent cancer or survive it was not available to them. (Watch cancer survivors describe their ordeal ) However, our nation's second-leading killer did not make the list of issues that our candidates used to get people to the polls last November. Anyone with a television or access to a newspaper can list the ballot box issues that occupied our candidates' attention -- they range from bickering to very real concerns and challenges. The political ads didn't tell voters that earlier in the year funding for cancer research was cut for the first time in 30 years. Nor did they explain that a lack of funding slows the pace of scientific discovery and the development of treatments. Our candidates did not mention the decrease in funding for programs that provide information and screening to people who need these services. I think this is unwise, but it is what our government has done this past year. I waited patiently for an explanation, some clarification or justification. Ten million cancer survivors deserve an answer. We didn't get one. It is true that state and federal budgets are constrained by many important responsibilities. But cancer doesn't care about that. It is time to hold our leaders accountable. It remains to be seen if the change in power on Capitol Hill will affect the fight against cancer. In two years we will elect a new president. We cannot predict the actions of any of our elected officials, but we can say for sure that when it comes to cancer their silence is unacceptable. Patient people may accept the status quo, but the status quo isn't working for us. Instead, we need to stubbornly hold our leaders accountable and we need the courage to ask tough questions of our elected officials. Few issues facing our government are more personal or more critical than the health of our citizens. What are we going to do to effectively fight cancer? Millions of Americans with cancer are asking. Source(s):

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Q: What has Lance Armstrong done to help prevent cancer?
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What is being done to prevent cancer?

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People who sign up for clinical trial researches on cancer take studies that can determine what are common causes of cancer, and what can be done to prevent it.

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It can happen with any patent so after the get done have a check up and plus stay on a healthy life style.

Is there anything you can do to prevent breast cancer?

No, at this point in time, there is no scientific evidence that tells us exactly what we can do to prevent cancer. Scientists at smaller R&D labs are focusing on cracking the code of cancer mechanisms from start to finish. This info is necessary in order to design drugs and, even better, solid information on what can be done (if anything) to prevent cancer. Newly diagnosed cancer patients usually spend anxious moments wondering what they could have done differently, to prevent cancer. We in the medical field need to be honest with our patients and tell them science has not yet reached the point of telling us what to do to prevent cancer. Indeed, 70 to 80% of newly diagnosed patients DO NOT have ANY of the so-called "risk factors". Instead of prevention, what we all have are diagnostics tools to discover if we already have cancer or not. Some of these tools are much more accurate that others, however insurance payors will not allow you access to some of these tools without authorization. I think your best bet is to make sure your personal GP is familiar with the advance-signs of the presence of cancer. My best wishes to you.

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Can you have cancer spread from thyroid cancer removal?

There is a chance that when surgery was done to remove the thyroid, the cancer may have spread already. If the cancer hadn't spread before surgery was done, there should be no spread.

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visit it's done by a music pro, exclusivly done for the commercial. seb

What can be done to prevent this?

There is little that can be done to prevent stupid people asking unanswerable questions.