if the score is deuce, the score goes as follows: if you are serving and you win the point, it is ad- in.... if you serve and win again, you win the game. if you are serving and you lose the point, it is ad-out... if you serve and lose again, you lose the game. if it is ad-in, and you lose the point, the score goes back to deuce, until someone wins.
In a game, if both player's score is 40 at the same time, then the score is called a deuce. From a deuce, the next player to win a point will have the advantage. If they win another point, they are ahead by two and have won the game. However, if, when a player has the advantage, their opponent wins the next point, the score returns to deuce.
It varies on each player
Deuce 2, is when you reach deuce for the second time in the game.ex: 40-40 deuceadvantage-4040-40 deuce 2
well in Halo Reach, nothing much. players have too much armour for them to be killed with a leg shot.
Ramanathan Krishnan was the first Indian to reach the semifinals of Wimbledon in 1960. He was also semifinalist of 1961.
There are no CPU players for multiplayer in Halo Reach.
Answer 1 - If you are referring to the rules of table tennis...The official table tennis rules are a comprehensive set of rules and regulations which are designed to cover any eventuality which may arise during a game.These rules are reviewed annually by the International Table Tennis Federation (ITTF).Throughout the history of table tennis the ITTF have amended the service rules many times.As the best players develop ever more elaborate service techniques in order to gain an advantage over their opponent, the ITTF respond by amending the service rules in an attempt to reduce their effectiveness.However, as any table tennis player will tell you, this is a never ending process.Answer 2 - If you are referring to playing a game of table tennis...When the rules of table tennis were changed in 2001 to make each game up to 11 points instead of 21 points, the number of serves that each player had was also changed.Now, each player has two serves each, whereas in the old 21 point system, each player had five serves each.Service alternates between opponents until one player scores 11 points, unless both players or pairs score 10 points (called deuce).If both players reach 10 points, then service alternates after each point, until one player gains a two point lead.
umm they can be 4.0 - 6.0 feet IMPROVED ANSWER: Tennis players vary in height. Tennis players are usually tall, especially the men. The average height for a women is around 5'9 and for men around 5'11. However the men reach outstanding heights, eg/ Ivo Karlovic from Croatia is 196cm tall the tallest male tennis player. Also, rising star Bernard Tomic of Australia who has a Croatian background (Y) is only 17 and is 194cm tall. If you'd like to find out the height of some tennis players just go on www.wikipedia.com/ and type in the tennis player you are interested in. Thanks, i hope this is a better answer.
It helps if you are taller, so that you can reach the ball easier.
The time it takes for a ball to reach the other end of the court on a serve in tennis typically ranges from 1.5 to 2.5 seconds, depending on the serving speed and the type of surface. Professional players can serve at speeds exceeding 120 mph, resulting in faster travel times.
not much, about 25?