Rafael Nadal hits as a lefty but does everything else with his right name.Rafael Nadal hits with his left hand but does everything else with his right hand.
No. Rafael nadal is not a left handed person. He is right handed. He wrote using right hand. Brushing teeth by right hand. He do all things with his right hand except for playing tennis. Nadal only use his left hand when playing tennis.
Rafael Nadal is left-handed. He uses a one-handed forehand and a two-handed backhand.
Yes. Rule 2.05.07 states that... "A player strikes the ball if he touches it in play with his racket, held in the hand, or with his racket hand below the wrist." This means that all of the following are legal and will constitute a good return. You can hit the ball with ... * the rubber on your table tennis racket, or * the edge of your table tennis racket, or * the handle of your table tennis racket, or * any part of your racket hand below the wrist, including the fingers of your racket hand
Yes you can, but only if its the hand which you hold the racket it in. Note that you can't drop your racket to hit the ball with your hand, your hand still must be touching the racket when you hit it.
A racket or racquet comes from Arabic "rahat al-yad", meaning "palm of hand"
to keep sweat off of your hand and make the racket slippery.
In tennis you hold it with your centre of your hand on the curved side of the grip
no, he is left handed, although he is right footed He is cross dominance, which is when you are right handed and play with eiher left or right hand or visa-versa. another example is Rafael Nadal, he's a right handed person but he uses his left hand to play tennis.
Only if the racket is in your hand at the time and...it strikes your hand below the wrist.Refer to usatt.org and follow the links to rules.Need table tennis equipment, check out America's first 'table tennis and more' retail store.bumpernets.com.
a tennis racket could come out of someones hand, hit someone in the head so they bleed and die