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Q: What gymnastic skill taks the most practice?
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How do you get commended on the TAKS test?

If you get more than average score on your TAKS which means that you did better then most of the people

What is taks?

the taks is a test that tests you knowledge on that subject the taks is a test that tests you knowledge on that subject

Will the new president stop the TAKS?

never! the taks is to test our knowledge to know if your ready for the next grade everyone except sencond grade and below has to take the taks never! the taks is to test our knowledge to know if your ready for the next grade everyone except sencond grade and below has to take the taks

What does TAKS stand for?

If your talking about the TAKS in Texas it stands for Texas Assessment of Knowledge and Skills

How long do it take TAKS score to come back?

Never. There are no TAKS tests anymore.

What is the taks ela?

Taks (Texas Assessment of Knowledge and Skills) ELA (English Language Arts)

How many questions can you missed on the TAKS test of 2010 and still get commend?

its different all most every year.

What is the taks test now call?

It is called the star test. It will not be called the taks test anymore, but it will be called the star test.

Why is TAKS important?

Because , it shows if the students are learning throughout the year or not , that's why they have benchmarks , and taks . To show if their intelligence is on the right track.

Where can you get the answer of the taks test 2010?

if you STUDY.

What is the homophone for taks?

tax tacks

Where can you get the answer of the taks test 08?
