Cleveland, Ohio
Jesse Owens went to Cleveland East Technical High School and he also went to Ohio State University.
Jesse Owens went to Ohio State University,Fairmont Junior High School,East Technical High School
It's Jesse Owens, first of all. He joined Fairmount Junior High School.
He went to Bolton Elementry School, Fairmont Juinor High, East Tech highschool and Ohio state Buckeyes collage
Brooklyn Elementry School
Chester A. Arthur went to elementry school at Lakehoma Elementry School
willow hill elementry
College: Ohio State High School: Cleveland East Technical High School
Chester A. Arthur went to elementry school at Lakehoma Elementry School
Go to in, in that you type wikipedia in wikipedia you type Jesse Owen, No need to type What is Jesse Owens nickname just type Jesse Owen all his details will come.