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you have to be quite all the time

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Q: What effects can intrinsic and extrinsic on a sport performance?
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What are the effects of drugs on the human body and sport performance?

Some enhance performance, and some detract. Your question needs to be more specific.

A definition of Extrinsic risk factors with sports injuries?

Extrinsic risk factors is injury or harm you have caused to yourself. Extrinsic risk factor can be caused by inappropriate training, improper equipment, inappropriate clothing, inappropriate protective gear and poor technique. Extrinsic risk factors are independent of the injured person and are related to the type of activity during the incident of injury and the manner in which the sport is practiced. Examples of extrinsic factors include weather conditions, footwear and type of sport. heloiedhqwklas

What are the short term effects of concentration on sports performance?

The short term effects of concentration are success over a short period of time in a specific sport. ye? safe

How does sasonal changes affect sport performance?

"seasonal". And it doesnt effect sport performance.

How does Extrinsic motivation affect sport performance?

Extrinsic motivation- it is a kind of motivation that comes from the outside the individual. The motivating factors might be a reward. That reward provides satisfaction and encourage peoples to perform better.

Is golf a power and performance sport?

yes it is!!

What is UK Sport's motto?

UK Sport's motto is 'The UK's high performance sports agency'.

How does fitness effect sport performance?

this is a question that has many answers but the best one i have heard is that the more athleticly fit you are the better you can perform take it this way people that get stronger and faster and well they get all around better at one sport or many are more in shape than they were at the begging of the season and fittness gets you stronger so it effects sports performance by making you better

Why does smoking affect sport performance?

smoking kills.

Why do drugs affect sport performance?

Damon salvatore!

What is the national game of Cameroon?

A national sport is a sport or game that is considered to be an intrinsic part of the culture of a nation. As such, Cameroon has no 'official' national sport; although on every level imaginable the country is transfixed by football... soccer if you are from North America.