The word borrachas may refer to two things, it can either mean an adjective used for a female who is drunk. 'Borrachas' is a Portuguese word which when translated means 'rubbers' in English.
Rubbers as in erasers. They are made from rubber exacly the same thing rubber there are two types of rubbers Rubbers as in condoms. Are mostly made from latex.
The collective noun is a pair of rubbers.
Define lost rubbers.
Percy was always on the lookout for badminton partners; he found it invigorating.
According to the "Badminton Blog" website (refer to the link, below), the fastest badminton smash was recorded at 206 mph on June 3, 2005, while tennis' fastest serve (comparable to a smash) was clocked at 155 mph set in 2004, according to the Wikipedia website (refer to the link, below). Therefore, badminton may be considered faster than tennis.
Asama bin larden as he plays badminton in his spare time but he tends play with bombs.
wheres the rubbers whos got the rubbers
Bureau or badminton...bonjour
Deceptive shot.
The word ''can'' is used to refer to
Yes, the noun badminton is a common noun, a general word for a type of sport.