I have no idea how the term originated (but would be interested to hear theories), but if you have "wet feet", it means you have teed up in front of the tee markers.
If you actually play your tee shot from there, you will incur a 2 stroke penalty in stroke play and you must replay your shot. In match play, there is no penalty, but your opponent may ask you to replay the shot.
It is simply the wet wet of a womans vagina.
Adage = the saying is ' the cat would eat fish, but would not wet her feet'
dry them
When you are sexually excited lubricating juices have overflowed , and sometimes even sperm could flow out.
The term "wedlock" means being married. If you have a baby in wedlock, it means you had a baby while married.
Wet Feet!
cuz no wet no more!
Your feet should naturally dry, if they're wet all the time, you may want to see a doctor about it.
The cast of Getting Your Feet Wet - 2011 includes: Brianne La Flair as Rachel
It means that your wet.
What dose it mean when your coochie get wet constantly
The easy way to recognize a linking verb is that a linking verb acts as an equals sign, the object is a different form of the subject (Mary is my sister. Mary=sister); or the subject becomes the object (My feet got wet. feet->wet).