All nations name's have three letter abbreviations - in this case it is Great BRitain.
G G B G G G Y G All HOPOsG G R R Y B Y B Always SlideY G R B B B B RAutoKickG G R R Y R Y BContest Winner 1Y G R G Y B G GFocus ModeG R G G Y G G GHUD Free ModeG R Y Y Y B B GInvisible CharactersY Y B R B G R RPerformance Mode B B G G R G R YUnlock All Characters
These are the cheat codes--------------- G=Green R=Red Y=Yellow B=Blue Air Instruments--- R R B Y G G G Y All HOPO's--------- G G B G G G Y G Always Slide------ G G R R Y B Y B Auto Kick---------- Y G R B B B B R Contest Winner 1- G G R R Y R Y B Focus Mode--------- Y G R G Y B G G HUD Free Mode ---- G R G G Y G G G Invisible Characters- G R Y Y Y B B G Performance Mode--- Y Y B R B G R R Unlock All Characters-- B B G G R G R Y There are more cheats but they are objectives For more info email me at
Um B,B,G,G,R,Y,R,G,R
from the main menu enter the cheats menu to enter these codes (legend: R=Red G= Green Y=yellow B=blue O=orange) additional line 6 effects (music studio): g, r, y, b, r, y, b, g. Air instruments: r, r, b, y, g, g, g, y. always drum fill: r, r, r, b, b, g, g, y. Always slide: g, g, r, r, y, r, y, b.
The real notes for jingle bell rock on the alto sax are: 1.) gg g, gg g, gbga Bb a g r, r--, 1 measure rest 5.) bb b g- bb b g#- g- f#- g- f#- g- f#- r cccc c c f f- 13.) bb b bb b bb b g- bb b g# g- f#- g- f#- g- f#- r c#c# c(n) c b--- gg 21.) a- g eg a- a Bb b(n) b b b g--- gg a- g eg a- g- f# r gggg a a a- 29.) bb b bb b bb b g- bb b gg #g g a b c e eeee cc Eb Eb- r c# c(n) c 36.) r c# c(n) c r c#- c# c(n) c c- b---- > r g b > key n= natural -= half note ---= dotted hald note ----= whole note r= rest btw, the part at 21 is a saxophone solo!
it is b,r,rg,y,y,gyr,g,g,o,o,oy, if it doesn't work try b,b,r,r,y,y,g,g,ry,br,by,gr
B. R. G. Robinson has written: 'Field studies in teaching economics'
The country that has the letters E, A, R, Z, G, and B is Azerbaijan.
brought you
R B g - 2014 was released on: USA: 19 January 2014 (Slamdance Film Festival)
B (Black). Order of snooker balls.
thease r the to play when the saints go marching in: g b c d rest g b c d rest g b c d b g b a rest b b a g g b d d c c b c d b g a g g i hope that helps ;)