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Q: What does the diagonal line mean in ten pin bowling?
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Related questions

How long is a standard bowling?

A standard Bowling alley is 60 feet from the foul line to the cantre of the No. 1 pin

What does head pin bowling mean?

The head pin in bowling is the name of the pin in the 1 pin position. 7 8 9 10 ..4 5 6 ....2 3 .....1

What does this ditloid mean 10 pb?

10 Pin Bowling

Which is bigger airport bowling or ten pin bowling?

Obviously the ten pin bowling

How long is a standard bowling alley?

A bowling lane is 60 feet long from the foul line to the center of the headpin. Each pin is 12 inches apart center to center. And the approach (the part you walk on) is 15 feet long.

How do you play 5 pin bowling?

You cannot. It is 10-pin bowling.

What is the height of a bowling pin?

The height of a bowling pin is 15 inches.

How many points is a bowling pin worth?

1 point a bowling pin

When is nine pin bowling officially changed to ten pin bowling?

in the 1830's is when they started to ban 9-pin bowling in Texas, so many changed to 10 pin.

What is a bowling pin?

A bowling pin is one of the ten wooden objects that are set up and knocked down in the sport of bowling.

What are the dimentions of a bowling alley?

60 feet from foul line to head pin 39 inches wide

Why are there ten bowling pins?

There are ten pins in ten pin bowling as that is the nature of that sport. In 5 pin bowling, there are 5 pins.