a set is term famously used in tennis there are certain games in each set and however wins the most games in a set wins the set, it's fairly old fashioned where as normally other games having deciding points its a neat way of organising I suppose but has no real difference in outcome scoring most points is probably the fairest reflection of skill.
There are many different types of Lego sport sets available on the market. Lego carries just about every sport, including soccer, football, and hockey.
sport funded mean that you are funded for a sport
Sets training.
sets' would mean plural possessive.
There are many online sites where you can buy auto rubber mat sets with major league sport logos. These include www.amazon.com, www.nextag.com, and www.shopsar.com.
'mon sport' means 'my sport' in English.
elegant sport
the mean means the average
No, not all data sets have a mode but all data sets have a mean and median.
Zuca Sport Wheeled Complete Luggage Set is waterproof.
S mean Sport , SL mean Sport Luxury , SE mean Sport Elegance and Special Edition . It also means straight edge. (for life)special edition
its like to show it off like if someone says that your a good sport the mean a good show off:) like to sport is to have it visible or to show it off!!