You are Hearing pin EYE...But I think you HIGH...When the ball lands Horizontal to the hole...(whether or not on the green)...but more commonly ON THE GREEN
Do you mean a drawing "pen?"
Some people call it the pin, and others call it the stick.
Catch in golf doesn't mean anything
Absolutely not, if the a head of a pin was 37 millimeters across it would be approximatly as wide as a hens egg or a golf ball. The a head of a pin will be less than 1 millimeter.
No Show
pin - pinch
mobile pin
Yes, a hole in one supersedes closest to the pin as it is a rare and impressive achievement in golf that trumps other scoring criteria.
Some are 7 feet, some are 8 feet. If the green is over a hill I have seen them 9-10 feet.
It is just the name of the car.
Do you mean golf clubs, or , golf clubs ?