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Q: What does off stick in golf mean?
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Why does your 87 VW Golf keep turning off?

if it is a stick shift, the ignition control under the clutch could have a short making you car turn off automatically

How do you unlock nitro ball in super stick golf?

To unlock nitro ball in super stick golf. Reach 30 achievements to unlock.

Can you play golf in gta san Andreas?

yes with golf stick & ball..

Can you golf with a stick?

No, If you wanted to play a legit round of golf, an ordinary stick probably wouldn't comply with USGA rules. Plus you wouldn't get the greatest results.

Does a Volkswagen Golf III have a gear stick?

Yes it does.

What do you call the stick you hit a golf ball with?


What are the rules of golf in simple terms?

A caveman invented golf. You take a stick and hit a rock into a hole.

Why is golf easy?

All you need to do is hit a ball on a stick with another stick and try to get it through a whole.

What does catch mean for golf?

Catch in golf doesn't mean anything

What does it mean to tend to?

Tend the flag means to hold the flag stick and attend to the flag in Golf. You will remove the flag pole after a stroke has been made by a player.

What the yellow stick in golf meant?

This marks the boundary of a water hazard.

How was the first golf score kept?

It was kept with a stick and a mark in the mud!