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Q: What does bodybuilder look like he is doing on stage?
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What percent of total proteins reccommened for a person weighing 55kilograms?

it would depend on what you are after doing if you are a bodybuilder then go for 1 gram of protein per lb of body weight 2.2 lbs = 1 kilo if you are not a bodybuilder look on any food and it will normally give government guidelines for daily intake

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yellowish and orangish

What does drama looks like?

it look likes a person performing on stage

What do stage directions look like?

Stage directions are usually on a script in brackets or italic next to the person who needs to perform them

What does a pub stage look like?

small, not very big , like a square and low to the grownd

Name something actors do on stage that they would look strange doing on a city street?

sing, dance, skip, wear costumes

Does being muscley make girls attracted to you?

Not necessarily. Some women might find it attractive, but certainly not all. I for one do not like men with big muscles. I mean, I don't like big fat slobs, either. I just prefer a guy with more of a runner's build: tall and lanky. Physically fit, but not big and bulky, like a bodybuilder. Actually, I think big bodybuilder muscles are really disgusting. Human beings were not meant to look like that.

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He looks like a tall creature doing karate.

What is the purpose of pointe work in ballet?

It makes the dancers look like they are elevating when on stage.