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It all depends on how long you have been playing the game and how good you are at it. For exampale, if you have been playing all your life and your not very good you could be striving to break 100. However you could have been playing for a very short amount of time and be better than most. Now a 13 year old boy shooting an 82 is not imposable rather very difficult mostly because Golf is a very complex game also, because not many 13 year old teenagers can drive the ball as far as a 30 year old man can. longer and more accurate shots are essential to playing a great round. If i had a hazzard to guess the average 13 year old whom has played the game for a year or two could probably shoot an 89, this is because what many adults do not relize is that children or teens can lear things very fast.This, in turn is, because childrens minds are like a blank slate which can forever be engrave upon. Why take me for an example, two sessions with a high tech machine and i was and still am forever engraved. I have a better swing than most 8.5 handicaped adults, but alas i have my problems mainly with distance (hitting the ball harder or softer) and keeping my head down when i stroke.

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Q: What does an average 13 year old shoot in Golf you are a 13 year old and you shoot average 82?
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