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It is a record of your shots sents you were born till you die it tells the type of shot and date by who.

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Q: What does a shot record look like?
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What does this mean - it look like you shot me?

"It looks like you shot me" means that the person was surprised to find out that the other person had shot them.

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What does it look like when someone is shot in the head?

Not pretty.

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They look like a single shot shotgun- since they are made by a company that MAKES single shot shotguns. The tranquilzer dart is about as big as your finger.

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it looks like lindzy loham lol

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The world record holder for shot put in 2012 is Litia Pitt from Russia. She threw the shot put 12.29 metres... Sadly not world record. Posted by Jacque Goodwin.

Does Ted die in mother knows best?

no he did not die they shot a water jug above him to make it look like they shot him.

Who holds the shot put record for Texas?

Ryan Crouser holds the shot put record for Texas. He set the record in 2014 while competing for the University of Texas at Austin.

What does the blood splatter look like when someone gets shot?

There is no blood splatter.

What does the sixth grade shot look like?

It looks like any other old shot but it makes you arm sore for like two days other than that it's no big deal.

What did the first mammals in the fossil record look like?

Tiny, shrew or mouse-like creatures.