something to do with Tennis, as this is the famous Tennis match series.
In Cockney slang, "Garrett" is a term used to refer to a cigarette. Cockney slang often involves rhyming words or phrases, where the intended word is replaced with a rhyming phrase to create a coded language. In this case, "Garrett" rhymes with "carrot," which is why it is used as a substitute term for a cigarette in Cockney rhyming slang.
in Cockney, lookout man for a burglar or thief. -in US or Australia, a commercial traveller
The word is Cockney slang for "detective".
Lemon cake = fake
it means your face
Kettle and Hob - Fob Watch.
Frazer in Cockney could mean "pain" as in Frasier Crane, the U.S. comedy TV show starring Kelsey Krammer
It's "crap" -- Pony and Trap.
Ondřej ,,Otin'' Kratochvíl
"daffy" sometimes means insane or crazy