VTT = Velo Tout Terrain
Velo = bicycle
Tout = all
And terrain don't really need to be translated
mountain biking
Regardless of which football you mean, yes.
It means that you are stupid
'une montagne' is a mountain in French.
The foot of the mountain.
It means Green Mountain-based on the French: Vert Mont
exquis means exquisite, delicious in French. There is no relation to horses.
Mountain-climbing or rock climbing, in French
I think you may have spelt it wrong. If you mean montagne then it means mountain, but there is no such thing as " mantagne" in the French language.
Green = vert Mountain = montagne so green mountain = montagne verte
Vermont. In french, vert=green, mont=mount, montagne=mountain.
Me gusta viajar en bicicleta ('motocicleta' if you mean (motor-)biking)