Paul Sherwen was born on 1956-06-07.
John Sherwen has written: 'Observations on the diseased and contracted urinary bladder, and frequent painful micturition; ... To which are added, Observations on the schirro-contracted rectum, ... By John Sherwen, M.D. ..'
tandem bicycle.
The possessive form of the proper noun Patty is Patty's.The possessive form of the proper noun Paul is Paul's.Example: Patty's bicycle is new, Paul's bicycle is not.
Paul et Marie ont un vélo.
bicycle clip
A person who repair bikes is a bicycle mechanic. A shop that handles bikes is a bicycle shop or a bicycle store.
In Kannada, we call them Dwichakra-vaahana.
bicycle bell in punjabi
A bicycle
साइकिल Or phonectically: Sā'ikila From google translate
Bil Paul has written: 'Bicycling California's spine' -- subject- s -: Bicycle touring, Description and travel, Guidebooks