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PAR means that your parent came to get you while youu were in school. It does not mean that you were absent, so dont get scared cause I got Scared haha silly me:)

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Q: What does PAR mean in school attendence?
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What does PAR mean in school?

PAR means that your parent came to get you while youu were in school. It does not mean that you were absent, so dont get scared cause I got Scared haha silly me:)

What does perfect attendence mean?

Perfect attendance means you have perfect attendance.

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i guess around 85 %

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par means EQUAL

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qu'entendez-vous par ... means "what do you mean by...", literally "what do you hear by..."

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Divisé par means divide by.

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about 20 thousand dollars a year including costs and attendence and housing and food

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PAR = Photosynthetically Active Radiation

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the root par means equal or equal to depending on the word. This is like in golf when you get a par. means equal to the average.

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That means that the par for the course is 71. And THAT means that if you get par on every hole it will equal 71.

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They do not care about your attendence. All they care about is if you took all your hours and classes necessary to drive.

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