In case your question is a typo and you really meant MVP, the answer is Most Valuable Player.
Other acronym meanings are:
Mississippi Valley Open (tennis)
Most Valuable Object
Member of the Royal Victorian Order
If it's a health issue, MVO means Myocardial Oxygen Consumption
MV Oil Trust (MVO)had its IPO in 2007.
As of July 2014, the market cap for MV Oil Trust (MVO) is $306,590,000.00.
The airport code for Mongo Airport is MVO.
A sports grand stand in many sports range from 7,000- 10,000 doallars depending on the team.
The symbol for MV Oil Trust in the NYSE is: MVO.
Entertainment and Sports Programming Network
sports rated injection
The Sports Network
sports injected
North American Sports Network.
Sports Institute Northern Ireland
Sports extra injection