Comfortable sports gear with either indoor, or outdoor, footwear.
Faults is what end a rally in badminton.
The inning is the term of service in badminton.
type of clothes
it loo
The word attire refers to clothing, formal or dressy in particular.
Dress is what is meant by attire. You may receive receive an invitation specifying formal dress. That would mean formal attire. It is what you are wearing.
A shuttlecock is the predominantly white feathery cone used to play Badminton with.
A type of poo
By 'Batminton' im presuming you mean 'Badminton'. The Badminton Horse Trials are held in England.
badminton takes place on a court and if you mean a building it can be any where i.e. in schools or sports centres
Something you can were anywere and can move around in