tennis player
The machines tennis players use to shoot tennis balls are called tennis ball machines. Tennis players also call them ball machines, but a Google search for "ball machine" might bring up machines from different sports.
Actually not really. We still call it table tennis, if I render from Chinese into English we call it "Table ball"
Machines that shoot tennis balls are called, quite simply, tennis ball machines. They are also sometimes referred to as ball machines. More versed players sometimes call them the electronic opponent, or the ruthless server.
heya they are called ball boys and girls.
its the servers point. if the ball hits anything and it isn't a let, its automatically your point. by tennis law, the ball has to bounce once before any return. so, its not a let, and it hit the enemy's net player, its your point.
The referee.
yes...the officials use hawks eye, a high tech camera system to review the call whether the ball was in or out
Depends on what the call was. If your opponent hits the ball and they call it good, you challenge it and it really was out, you automatically win the point. If it really was in, they get the point. If you hit the ball and its called out, you challenge it, and it was in, the point is replayed. If it really was out, you lose the point.
It depends. If it's a small ball like in baseball or tennis or golf, we call it "une balle". If it's something bigger like in basketball or soccer, we call it "un ballon". In French, "balle" can mean a ball or a bullet ("une balle de revolver" for example).
A phillumenist. The hobby is called phillumeny or phillumenism.
The force depends on the field the tennis ball is in. All objects with mass attract all others; a tennis ball and the earth attract each other equally with a force equal to what we call the "weight" of the ball in pounds or ounces. Pounds and ounces are technically measures of force, NOT mass. They attract each other as described by the formula: where "m" is the true mass (usually in grams), "r" is the distance between the objects (in meters) and "G" is a constant: Ouch!