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Annette ! (A net).

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Q: What do you call a lady standing in the middle of a tennis court?
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Which side of a tennis court do you call the ad court?

The ad side of a tennis court is the players left side. Or the opponents right side.

Tennis Court Repair: Keeping Value in the Tennis Court?

A tennis court can be a great investment for any home, especially for homes in wealthy and affluent areas. Many people will only purchase homes that have tennis courts in affluent areas. It is very important that a home owner take good care of a tennis court, if he or she chooses to invest in one and build it in the backyard. Otherwise, it is easy for a tennis court to become destroyed and totally ruined by only a few wintery seasons. It is a good idea to hire a tennis court repair person to maintain a tennis court if one is worried about it. There are often many ways to protect a tennis court from harsh elements like the snow or rain. A tennis court repair person knows how the tennis court should be covered and protected during such months of harsh elements. It is a good idea to pay this sort of person to worry about it, rather than try to research the proper treatments for a tennis court and do it all by one's self. In some instances, you may need to call a tennis court repair person to restore the color of a tennis court. It is easy for the color of tennis courts to simply fade with regular use and from the sun rays. A repair man will know whether or not you simply need to purchase an entirely new court. It may be the case that you need to repaint an entire court or simply buy new flooring for it. In other more dreadful instances, perhaps an injury occurred on a court and blood gets on the court. This is one of those things most home owners want taken care of immediately. No one wants to play tennis on a tennis court that looks like it could be the middle of a crime scene. A tennis court repair person often has different solutions that can be used to lift a stain such as blood from a tennis court. It is a very wise choice to consult this person to fix a tennis court that has been the central point of an injury occurrence of another.

What actions did delegates of the third estate take when the estates- general met in 1789?

The delegates revolted and claimed themselves the National Assembly. They went to an indoor tennis court and took the Tennis Court Oath. They swore never to separate and to meet wherever the circumstances might require until we have established a sound and just constitution.

What did the french call the tennis court oath before the french revolution?

it is called "le serment du Jeu de Paume"

What do you call a person that play tennis?

tennis player

What is the rule for checking a tennis ball mark on a clay court?

The opponent is not allowed to go across the net in order to check the mark on a clay court. They must call the mark before they can cross the net.

When the estates general convended in may 1789 what actions did members of the third estates take and why?

The delegates revolted and claimed themselves the National Assembly. They went to an indoor tennis court and took the Tennis Court Oath. They swore never to separate and to meet wherever the circumstances might require until we have established a sound and just constitution.

What do they mean when they call it seed in tennis?

It's basically rankings in Tennis.

What is the tool for tennis?

Tool for playing tennis usually call tennis racket. There are a lot of types and brands of modern tennis rackets.

What actions did the delegate's of the third estates general met in 1789?

The Tennis Court Oath vowing to remain in session or on call until a workable Constitution had been created.

What is love in tennis score?

The word love in tennis is a corresponding call in scoring of it and the meaning of love in tennis is 0.

What does the let call in tennis mean?

Should the ball on service strike the top of the net before falling in the correct service court, it is a "let" and is replayed. The server is allowed one miss, or "fault," either into the net or outside the opponent's service court. hope that helped xD