mabye they "absorb shock!"
2nd Answer:
In actual fact, shock absorbers do not absorb shock: the springs do that. The "shock absorbers" dampen rebound (Bouncing).
In a bike, the spring is built right around the dampener part.
You have the cartilages in the joints, which act as mechanical shock absorbers. But then you have other functional shock absorbers. You have arches in the foot, which act as shock absorbers. Then when you jump down, you have that spring like movement of the legs. That act as a shock absorbers.
no, shock absorbers are in your knees and back. Some people have flat feet.
For a 2004 Ford Ranger : Shock absorbers , front and rear
Yes they are typically, 1992 BMW E36 for say has shock absorbers which are safety measures for accidents. They install behind bumpers to allow a 6" movement in the event you hit something (shock absorbers)
( 2 ) shock absorbers on the front suspension and ( 2 ) shock absorbers on the rear suspension ( and if it's the same as my 1995 Ford Explorer there is a short " shock absorber " that is sideways connected to the rear differential that I didn't bother having changed )
The 1995 Buick Skylark is equipped with rear shock absorbers. There will be struts on the front of the vehicle.
If there were no shock absorbers in a car, then every single imperfection in the road surface would enter the chassis, making the car a rattling cage as it thunders down the highway. Shock absorbers make driving a more pleasurable experience.
There are many great shock absorbers sold today. It really depends on the type of vehicle. Monroe makes a great shock that will fill almost any need.
Years ago, they commonly lasted 25-30 thousand miles. Today's shock absorbers will commonly last 100,000 miles or more, but the companies that make shock absorbers still urge you to get them changed at 25,000 mile intervals - because they're in business to sell shock absorbers.
They are a replacement for shock absorbers and springs (suspension)
No , shock absorbers