now then from many experiences have i had to taste a camels hump. Especially in I'm a celebrity get me out of here for i was the camera man. Now then for what they actually taste like they taste like a cross between a babooons bum (arse) and a babys nappy when there is no no's in there (poo). Any way further more i declare that camels humps are 100% edible and if i owned AA restraunt i would definitely put them on the menu and recommend them to all of the customers. But BEWARE!!!!! i highly think that they are unsuitable fro kiddy widdy winkies under the age of 114!! they are tooo aciDIC and they remind them off nunga nunga's (a.k.a boobies.) bye bye peepps. if you want to find out more please go to
what are beetles?
what do apples smell like?
what does angels hair smell like?
thankyou and farewell NOSY GOLD FISH
because they like eating houses and once camels ruled the earth
They have humps like camels they can store there water in
Only Bactrian Camels have two humps, and dromedaries have one but I know that they store fat (not water) in their humps
because if they had no fat in camels humps they would not have humps and then they would be horses.
No. they have humps to store water.
They don't grow humps, they are just born with them
they won't them
They get energy from their humps.
camels have humps to store fat
Nope. Humps are fat, not water,
Bactrian camels have 2 humps