This is how they denote bounce, one dot is low bounce (I think 6*), two dot is mid bounce (I think 10*) and three dot is high bounce (I think 14*).
There are a few places one can find more information about Cleveland wedges. One good place to get more information is at the website Cleveland Golf or Wedge Fitting Cleveland Golf.
"Could you please cut this apple into wedges?"or"Use one of those wedges to split this log."
It means 1 (one).
A green dot means the artwork is under option. It is possible that there is more than one green dot, when there are multiple options.
No, scissors are not Wedges. They are complex levers, consisting of 2 applied forces, one fulcrum, and 2 loads.
The green dot on their helmet is a sign that there is a communication system in their helmets. So the coach can talk to him. There is one player on the offense that has one, and one on defense.
That you drunkenly and foolishly tattooed a dot on yourself to be one of the "cool" kids with a party dot tattoo. It means nothing, and looks like a freckle or a mole.
One raised dot equates to the letter "A" ; see related link to additional information concerning Braille .
There are several types of wedges, including metal wedges, wooden wedges, and plastic wedges. These can be used for splitting materials like wood or stone, securing objects in place, or adjusting the alignment of structures. Wedges are simple tools with a wide variety of applications.
Every dot above the T represents a tablet. Physicians may put 1-4 dots above what resembles a T, with one dot meaning one table, two meaning 2 Every dot above the T represents a tablet. Physicians may put 1-4 dots above what resembles a T, with one dot meaning one table, two meaning 2 tablets and so on.