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Q: What determines the Race of a person?
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What legally determines a person race -?

The heritage of their parents, which is determined by where they were born.

How does socialism work when there are different races?

Socialism has nothing to do with race, but with economics. Socialism is concerned with taxing the wealthy to provide welfare to the poor. It does not matter what race a person is, but what wealth they have, that determines their position and duties in a socialist country.

Can DNA determine race?

No, DNA cannot determine a person's race. Race is a social construct based on cultural, historical, and geographical factors. While genetic variations can be used to study ancestry and geographical origins, they do not align neatly with socially defined racial categories.

What is the race of a person with mixed race?

Mixed race.

What determines if a person buys normal or inferior goods?

The price, how informed the person is and the quality of the goods are the factors that determines whether a person will buy inferior or normal goods.

Who determines if an employee is eligible for workman's compensation?

There is a a person ("adjuster") assigned to each case This person determines weather the injury and disability qualify

Is it possible to change your race?

If you mean the race of person you are, no.

What qualities make you a great person?

The helping mentality of a person determines his quality.

What do you call a person at a crime scene that determines how a person died?

They are called the Coroner.

Who was the first person to win a drifting race?

john smith was the first person to win a drifting race.

What is the Hinduism belief in Karma?

Determines how a person will be reborn

What is a football handicapper?

A person who determines the betting odds.