I believe 47 degrees was standard.
nike sling shot oss A wedge is 44 degree approach wedge. nike sling shot a wedge is 50-56 degree wedge also called a approach wedge but is really a gap wedge... the oss is the only club that has a 44 degree loft. nike is the only company to make this club
I believe 47 degrees was standard.
50 Degrees The club that has "W" on the bottom. (Titleist AP1 iron set)
Nike VR Full Cavity AW 50º loft, 64º lie, 10º bounce from NIke web site.
The 54 is a sand wedge, SWs have a higher bounce to get the ball out of sand easier.
50 degrees
The "A" wedge is sometimes lumped with the Gap wedge although increasingly more often they are split out for the gap to be defined as 50-54 degrees while the "A" (or approach) wedge is between 46 and 50. These have increased in popularity as manufacturers have decreased the loft of irons for the purposes of range through the 90's as more and more golfers (whether by improved skills, manufacturing techniques or "forgiveness") were able to hit short irons much more consistently.The Nike golf site lists the A wedge as a 50 degree loft and 64.5 degree lie.
Yes, in there is a 60 degree lob wedge in the SV series.
The "D" is for Dual. It's a dual wedge w/ a 50 degree between pitching wedge and sand wedge.
45 degrees and sand wedge 55 degrees. They sell a gap wedge to bridge the 10 degree gap which is 50 degrees and stamped A on the sole_I am currently looking for one!!
Depending on manufacturer, it would range from 54-56 degrees. The most common would be either 54 or 56 degrees.