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It really depends on manufacturer. It could equal either a 3 iron or 4 iron.

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βˆ™ 15y ago
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βˆ™ 14y ago

It would be a four iron.

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βˆ™ 12y ago


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Q: What degree is a 9 iron?
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What degree loft is a 9 iron?

Usually the loft for a 9 iron is right around 41 or 42 degrees. Some professionals have their irons tweaked to match their specific yardages. I play on the mini-tours and my 9 iron is right at 41.5*

What are the melting points for iron?

1535 degree melting of iron

What iron is equivelent to a 19 degree hybrid?

In general it equals a 5 iron.

What has more loft 3 iron 5 iron or 9 iron?

9 Iron has the most loft and least distance. 3 iron has the least loft and most distance.

Iron melts at what degree Fahrenheit?

Iron melts at approximately 2800 degrees Fahrenheit.

What degree celsius is -9 degree Fahrenheit?

-9 °F = -22.78 °C

How is a 9 iron different from a 3 iron?

the angle of the head is different. A 3 iron is not much of an angle, and a 9 iron is like at 50 degrees or so

Does a lighter produce as much heat as a soldering iron?

No, lighter can produce 120 degree Celsius temperature where as soldering iron can produce 420 degree Celsius temperature. the soldering iron is used to join two metal wires.

If iron is heat to 2000 degree Celsius is it a chemical reaction?

No. The iron would melt, which is a physical change.

What club is a 21 degree hybrid equal to?

A 3 iron is normally about 21 degrees. A 20 degree hybrid will act like a 2 iron, yes a 3 iron normally is 21 degrees, obviously the hybrid is 1 degree stronger, but it is also slightly longer which will also increase distance.

What is the supplement of an 81 degree angle?

99 degree angle