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Madyson Hartmann

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Q: What color would a green tennis ball appear in green light?
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What color does white light minus green light appear?

White light minus green light would appear as a purplish color. This is because when green light is removed from white light, the remaining color components combine to create a mix of blue and red light, which results in a purplish hue.

What color would a red object appear to be if you shone only green light on it?

The red object would appear black because it would not reflect any of the green light shining on it. Green light is the complementary color of red, meaning the object would absorb all the green light and not reflect any color back to our eyes.

What color of light is reflected by chlorophyll?

Chlorophyll primarily reflects green light, which is why plants containing chlorophyll appear green to our eyes. This pigment absorbs light in the blue and red spectrum for photosynthesis, while reflecting green light.

What color will appear if you add green light to red and blue lights?


What color would a cucumber appear in green light white light and red light?

A cucumber would appear green in green light, white in white light, and dark in red light as it would absorb most of the red light.

What color would a red object appear to be if you shone a green light on it?

it would appear black.

What color can you shine on green to make it black?

To make green appear black, shine red light on it. Green absorbs red light, so when red light is shone on green, the green will appear black.

What color does a green apple appear in a red light?

In red light, a green apple would appear dark or black because red light contains wavelengths that are opposite to green on the color spectrum. This causes green objects to absorb the red light and reflect very little, resulting in a dark appearance.

What color will a red object appear under green light?

A red object will appear dark or black under green light because red objects absorb green light and do not reflect any color back to the eye.

What color is blue sky under green light?

The blue sky would appear green under green light because the green light would dominate the color seen by our eyes. The color of the sky is determined by the light that is reflected off of it, so when green light is shone on a blue sky, the green light will be the dominant color that is reflected.

What color absorbs green?

Magenta is the opposite color of green on the color wheel, so it absorbs green light. When magenta pigment is present, it absorbs green wavelengths of light, making magenta appear as a mixture of blue and red.