For anaerobic running (sprinting) use of glycogen as a substrate for energy will result in a high concentration of hydrogen ions and blood lactate. Although you may hear that blood lactate is responsible for "locking up" during these events, it is actually the [H+] that lowers the Ph of the blood and in turn causes your body to start protecting itself by blocking actin from attaching to myosin, thereby preventing muscle contraction.
you lock the doors with your hands
on my 2007 I simply remove the keyless remote from the key ring, leave the key in, the car running and push the 'lock button' after I close the door. probably works the same on all cars.
You have to lock it from the outside with an extra key.
During rigor mortis, muscles become stiff and lock in place, including those in the hands. This stiffness can cause the hands to remain in a bent position until the process subsides.
If it's a newer model car it could be neutral safety switch or torque convert lock out switch. Is your check engine light on?
Overheating, running out of oil, or something falling into the carb, into a cylinder, blocking the piston from comming all the way up on it's stroke.
The disease is known as tetanus, a potentially deadly infection of the nervous system caused by bacteria, C. tetani, which lives in soil. Tetanus causes tightening of the skeletal muscles, with one of the first symptoms usually being a tightening of jaw muscles or "lock jaw."
abdominal muscles- stomach Anti-Lock Braking System - Relating to Cars
It should bleed its self when turning lock to lock while engine is running.
it wiil break your steering column
Yes, it can "hydro lock" by sucking in water and it can "seize" from running it without oil.
what causes compressor lockout in voager rooftop unit.