Wow, that sounds like serious damage. Are you repeatedly hitting seriously fat on the driving range mats? Or trying to take divots out of heavy tree roots? That's the only way I can think of that swinging would cause structural damage to a Golf club. I would think that that kind of hitting would cause serious structural damage to your hands and wrists before causing failure of a club.
There might be something wrong with your clubs. How are they breaking? Is the shaft breaking off, is the epoxy bond failing, or are the hosels breaking?
The last two are certainly due to manufacturing defects. There might be another explanation for shaft breakage. I left my pitching wedge out all summer to practice with it. Rain came in through the vent hole, leading to internal rusting and eventual shaft failure. Maybe if you left your clubs in a hot car trunk you could be softening the bond between the shaft and hosel.
There could be several causes.
If the shaft itself breaks it's probably because of damage to the shaft (a dent, rust, crack, etc) or from catching too much ground when trying to hit the ball (hitting it fat/heavy).
If the clubhead comes off the shaft without the shaft actually breaking then its an epoxy problem. There may not have been enough epoxy placed down in the hosel to hold the head securely to the shaft.
of Fly
of Fly
Piggy's glasses.
by doing it
its my name and i guess its meaning is"something that flies high"
it references to a greek word, and the bible meaning evil. The name derives from the Canaanite "Baal" meaning "lord," and he is known as the "lord of the flies"
Ralph lashed out with his fist and punched the pig's skull which was mounted on the stick, causing it to fall to the ground and break into two pieces. Ralph did this because... 'A sick fear and rage swept him.' There is no mention that the skull is 'The Lord of the Flies', the skull was simply all that remained of the pig's head, which was left as an offering to the beast.
You can feed Piranahs anything but flies. If you feed them flies they will break down and explode.If you do feed them flies make sure you feed the piranahs regualar Pandol Rapid this will keep them alive.
In Lord of The Flies Wilfred is punished for doing nothing, by being tied to a tree and beaten.
Flies vomit on the food to coat it in enzymes which then break it down. they then slurp the resultant gloop up with their modified proboscis.
lord of flies, satan the devil
It means BEELZEBUB which means Satan or evil.