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They can use seismographs

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Q: What can be used to detect hidden faults?
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Can be used to detect hidden faults.?


What is used to detect hidden faults?

Various methods can be used to detect hidden faults, such as non-destructive testing techniques like ultrasonic testing, radiography, or infrared thermography. These methods allow for inspections to be carried out without causing damage to the material or structure being examined, helping to identify faults that may not be visible on the surface. Advanced technologies like digital imaging and sensors can also be employed for fault detection in a wide range of applications.

How are Seismographs data used?

Seismographs and fault-monitoring devices provide data used to map faults and detect changes along faults.

What four instrument are used to detect movement along faults?

Four Instruments that are used to detect movement along faults are:1. Tiltmeter2. Creep meter3. Laser-ranging device4. Network of Earth-Orbiting satellites called GPS (global positioning system)

What kind of faults can an auto scanner detect?

Faults that an auto scanner detect are faulty brakes, tire pressure problems, and air bag faults. They are meant as an onboard diagnostic system for automobiles.

How is seismographic data used?

Seismographs and fault-monitoring devices provide data used to map faults and detect changes along faults. Geologists also use this data to predict earthquakes.

What are the applications of supersonic waves?

Supersonic waves are used in supersonic flights. They are also used in body scanning and used to detect faults in metal.

How do the four instruments that are used to detect faults work?

four instruments that are used to detect faults are: creep meters, laser-ranging devices, tiltmeters, and satellites. how they work: a creep meter uses a wire stretched across a fault to measure sideways movement the ground. a laser-ranging device uses a laser beam bounced off a reflector to detect any fault movements

What do scientists use to locate hidden faults?


Scientists use tiltmeters to locate hidden faults yes or no?

Yes. Tiltmeters are used by scientists to monitor subtle changes in the tilt of the ground, which can help identify hidden faults beneath the surface.

What are three ways in which geologist use seismograph?

They map faults, detect changes along faults, and develop a method of predicting earthquakes

What are three in which geologist use seismograph data?

They map faults, detect changes along faults, and develop a method of predicting earthquakes