By pushing with your shoulders when your in the middle of the backhandspring. If you push with your elbows you could break an arm.
And you need to sit in the air like your sitting in a chair.
Do not bend your knees at the beginning.
If you do bend your knees a little, make sure that they are not covering your toes.
For warm ups, you can push your arms back and ask someone to press on them.
Before you do a backhandspring, make sure you have stretched out your wrists and ankles.
The best way to gain confidence is to practice practice practice. Have a coach sport you, practice on trampolines and wedge mats.
SAFETY NOTE: The back handspring is an advanced gymnastics skill that should only be performed on a matted surface under the supervision of a certified coach
Practice practice practice. You need to make sure you have good shoulder flexibilty, arm strength and core strength. Ask your coach for some drills to do on wedge or barrell mats.
NOTE: The back handspring is a dangerous gymnastics skill that places potential for injury (or death) on the head, neck, and spine. This skill should only be attempted on matted surfaces and under the supervision of a trained instructor
For some gymnasts the is a great fear of doing a backhandspring but for some people like me can do it easily.
By doing it; the only way to face any fear is by facing the fear head on!
Ask the spotter to put their hand behind your back and tell him/her to take it away at the last moment (when you can't see). It helped for me because I would feel more secure that way.
Just wait till you are redy.Don t push it.
how to overcome fear of death
The only way to get over your fear is to face it. Make sure you have a spotter, take a deep breath, and just do it.
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if you know what you're doing, then no. i have fun bmxing and i get nervous when i perform a trick on something. but just overcome your fear.
To overcome fear when everybody gets to know your crush is approaching your crush telling him how you feel.
Fear or Fright!