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Q: What aspect of a play would likely be the same no matter how else the play is adapted?
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Extinction is most likely to be caused by environmental conditions. Dramatic changes to the climate can mean that species are no longer adapted to survive.

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Estuaries would be a likely environment for marine organisms well adapted to drastic changes in salinity, as estuaries experience fluctuations in salinity levels due to the mixing of freshwater from rivers and saltwater from the ocean. Organisms in estuarine environments have developed physiological mechanisms to tolerate these changes.

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An important aspect refers to a key element or factor that holds significance and contributes significantly to a particular situation, topic, or outcome. It is a crucial component that plays a significant role in understanding, evaluating, or addressing a matter effectively.

What incident do experts anticipate that is the least likely to occur but would have a great impact upon the environment and people?

A nuclear incident would have a great impact on the environment and people, but would be the least likely to occur.Several people answered "biological", but I would question the "least likely" aspect. A nuclear incident would have a greater effect on the environment compared to a biological incident.

Experts anticipate that a incident is the least likely to occur but would have a great impact upon the environment and people?

A nuclear incident would have a great impact on the environment and people, but would be the least likely to occur.Several people answered "biological", but I would question the "least likely" aspect. A nuclear incident would have a greater effect on the environment compared to a biological incident.

What incident do experts anticipate is the least likely to occur but would have a great impact upon the environment and people?

A nuclear incident would have a great impact on the environment and people, but would be the least likely to occur.Several people answered "biological", but I would question the "least likely" aspect. A nuclear incident would have a greater effect on the environment compared to a biological incident.

In which biome would you most likely find plants that are adapted to survive in hot dry climates?

date palms , cactus and plants with long roots.

How have the animals in antarctica adapted so they can get food?

Well, if there's no lake or anything around, then the animal would most likely try to break through the ice if it could. If there is a lake around, then, there you go.