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I got a scholarship to run D2 for running a 14.54 in the 110 hurdles (Average race for me was around 14.8 or 14.9). I was very raw in my technique so my coach gave me a scholarship based on the idea that I would get better. I did. Even with the 3 inch height increase from HS to College, I cut my time to 14.35.

A lot of times you can still run on a D1 or D2 team even if you haven't broken 15 seconds, but as for a scholarship...I would say a minimum of Sub-15.00 to get one.

Keep in mind, D3 is just as competitive as D2 at the national level...and some even better (Edwin Moses, the former world record holder in the 400H, and Nick Symmonds, top 800 meter runner on the US 2008 Olympic team, were both D3 athletes).

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Q: What are the usual division 1 and division 2 scholarship time standards for 110 and 300 hurdles?
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