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1: Walking Race 2: Cross Country Race 3: Relay race :) Hope I Helped

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Q: What are the three races that are started by standing up?
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Which three horse races make up the Triple Crown in the United States?

The three races that make up the Triple Crown are the Kentucky Derby, the Belmont Stakes and the Preakness. The Derby is the longest race out of the three.

How do you get started in bicycle racing?

Buy a bike, get some rides in, contact a club. Participate in club rides, sign up for races.

Who buries the dead standing up?

During a tour to Vietnam. I visited a North Vietnamese cemetery. I noticed that the headstones were about three feet apart . The dead soldiers were buried standing up just as soldiers are in formation . Soldiers standing forever .

Which phrase is correct we are up standing beings or we are standing up beings?

I guess it depends on whether you are up standing or standing up.

What do men do three times a day but women do it once in their whole lifetime?

Pee while standing up.

How do you get your gallop skills up?

To improve the gallop skills of a horse, do gallop rides, gallop races, barrel races, and gallop training. If gallop is one of the horse (or pony's) top three skills, lessons will also improve it.

How old does a horse have to be in a jockey race?

Thoroughbreds have to be a minimum of two years old to race. All races have their own age requirements. There are races for two-year-olds, three-year-olds (which are the more widely known ones like the Kentucky Derby, Preakness, and Belmont), three-year-olds and up, and four-year-olds and up.

How do you play guitar standing up?

bu standing up

Were the munchkins standing up in The Wizard of Oz?

Yes, they were standing up.

What does a man do standing up a dog do on three legs and a woman do sitting down?

According to Bennie Hill, shake hands.

Why to people put up Christmas lights on there house?

To decorate and when the three sheperds was standing a bright angle came down

What is standing ovation?

Standing up for applauding.