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The floor routine goes, hop hop, straight jump, split jump, handstand forward roll, side chase, handstand to bridge kick-over, three step run into a leap, split, two prance steps, weight transfer, stright arm backward roll (in a pike), step, step, half turn, and round off back hand spring. There is also dance elements in the routine.

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13y ago
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16y ago

1) Glide swing, 2) pull over 3) front hip circle 4) cast, leg through, 5) mill circle 6) switch to the other side of the bar facing the opposite directions you started 7) back hip circle 8) cast underswing dismount 9) salute the judge.

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13y ago

I am a level four gymnast in the USA, and I will do my best to explain the routine, but please be aware that some clubs have different routines, and routines change every few years. FYI, this may be harder to understand if your not a gymnast, and for all the dance that doesn't have names, I'll explain the best I can. You should have a coach teach you, as it is nearly impossible without seeingit.

arm side with a straight jump, down with a straight jump, arm up with a staight jump, and up at shoulder height,

bounce straight

stretch jump,

step kick

hanstand hold as long as possible

into straight arms, forward roll out of handstand

step, pull feet together, turn, shash-a, pivot

step kick,


kick over


leap and hop

slide to floor on one hand

turn to pike sit

turn to pushup possition


hand down

turn stand

prance (nonfavorite leg bent, toe atankle, hands on hips)

prance (you have to do the leg opposite of the 1 you just did it with)

weight transfer

back extention to pushup



prepare and half turn

weight transfer



arms down

favorite toe to ankle, arms are your choice (pose, any 1 you want at all there are no restrictions)

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13y ago

ok on bars the hardest and the move that stands out to the judge is the back hip-circle underswing off it is the last thing the judges see also its fast also it helps if you have straight legs and pointed toes.on beam i would say the strech jump tuck jump and the dismount.there both fast. the jumps are confussing some times.stagg jump and split jump and close so keep your legs straight on the split jump.on vault the hole thing the run,the punch,the flying, the hanstand and the flatback.on floor its the roundoffback-handsping.make sure you have a arch in you back untill you snap down also jump then throw.hope this helps

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14y ago

In USA program Level 4 gymnastics is commonly a level where one can try out for a team to compete with, but is NOT necessary. Can not give skill examples w/out knowing which gymnastic sport you are referring too.

International Gymnastic Sports

Artistic Gymnastics Men's

Artistic Gymnastics Woman's

Aerobic Gymnastics

Rhythmic Gymnastics

Acrobatic Gymnastics

Power Tumble and Trampoline Gymnastics

Group Gymnastics

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14y ago

level 2 thru 10

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Floor Action