The answer is found on the PGA web site:
{| ! width="20%" | Member Classification ! width="20%" | Apprentice Classification ! width="60%" | Description| A-1 B-1 Head Professional at a PGA Recognized Golf Course A-2 B-2 Head Professional at a PGA Recognized Golf Range A-3 Not Applicable Exempt PGA TOUR, Champions Tour, Nationwide Tour, LPGA Tour and Futures Tour players A-4 B-4 Director of Golf at PGA Recognized Golf Facilities A-5 Not Applicable Past Presidents of the Association A-6 B-6 Golf Instructor at a PGA Recognized Facility A-7 B-7 Head Professional at a PGA Recognized Facility Under Construction A-8 B-8 Assistant Golf Professional at a PGA Recognized Facility A-9 B-9 Employed in Professional Positions in Management, Development, Ownership Operation and/or Financing of Facilities A-10 B-10 Golf Clinician A-11 B-11 Golf Administrator A-12 B-12 College or University Golf Coach A-13 B-13 General Manager A-14 B-14 Director of Instruction at a PGA Recognized Facility A-15 B-15 Ownership or Management of a Retail Golf Facility A-16 B-16 Golf Course Architect A-17 B-17 Golf Course Superintendent A-18 B-18 Golf Media A-19 B-19 Golf Manufacturer Management A-20 B-20 Golf Manufacturer Sales Representative A-21 B-21 Tournament Coordinator/Director for Organizations, Businesses or Associations A-22 B-22 Rules Official A-23 B-23 Club Fitting/Club Repair A-24 Not Applicable Employed within the golf industry and not eligible for another Active classification HM Not Applicable Honorary Member IN Not Applicable Not eligible for classification as Active, Life Member or Retired Member LM/LMM Not Applicable Not eligible for classification as Active Member and who have held a minimum of 20 years in an Active Classification (whether continuous or not) LMA/LMMA Not Applicable Not eligible for classification as Active Member and who have held a minimum of 20 years in an Active Classification (whether continuous or not) MP Not Applicable Master Professional RM Not Applicable Members who are fully retired (cannot be working in either a golf or non-golf position) and who have achieved a combined 65 years of age and Active membership and who are not eligible for Life Member F Not Applicable Failure to meet the requirements of the Professional Development Program
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AnswerIt is more commonly known as the Champions Tour, and golfers of 50 and over can play on it.ANSWER:The player must be 50 and above and other professional qualifications included, before you can be qualified for PGA Senior.
Professional Golf Association
The PGA Championship is the fourth of four majors in men's professional Golf.
Professional Golf Association tour.
The PGA (Great Britain and Ireland) was founded in 1901. The PGA of America was founded in 1916.
The : PGA - Professional Golfers Association
No, he was a professional boxer.
Professional Golfers Association of America started in 1916.
He won 165 professional tournaments, 82 of which were PGA Tour victories.
If you mean golf, it stands for the Professional Golfers' Association (of America).
professional qualification in Pakistan