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The positives are that you would make a lot of money and be famous. If you win championships you will get reconized by everyone. The negatives are that you could get injured (although it is unlikeky) and die or get paralized. Also if you beat a team than the fans might get mad and try to harm you.

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14y ago

The positives are: fame, wealth, and popularity.

The negatives are: a lame family life, no time to do anything else, some people will hold an eternal personal grudge against you for no reason.

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Q: What are the positives and negatives of individual sports as a lifetime activity?
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A "Lifetime Activity" is a sport or other physical exercise that can be performed for ones entire life, from youth to old age.

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It's difficult to provide an exact number as it varies greatly depending on individual lifestyle and activity level. However, estimates suggest that the average person may take around 216,262,500 steps in a lifetime.

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A "Lifetime Activity" is a sport or other physical exercise that can be performed for ones entire life, from youth to old age.

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An activity that is with you for a long period of time. Such activities include golf, bowling and others.

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"Register for lifetime" typically means that an individual or entity is entering an agreement or program that provides benefits or services for the duration of their lifetime. This can apply to memberships, warranties, licenses, or other ongoing commitments that last until the individual's death.

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A "Lifetime Activity" is a sport or other physical exercise that can be performed for ones entire life, from youth to old age.

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it is a job,and is for all ages you cant get sick of it