USN PO1 or Petty Officer First Class, E-6, is equivalent to an Army SSG, or Staff Sergeant, E-6. The only difference is that Army SSG's are considered SNCO's or Staff Non-Comissioned Officers. Petty Officers 3rd, 2nd, and 1st class are not.
Kaelyn from ssg is homeschooled
L'Entente SSG was created in 1989.
If you are under the age of 16 you can audition for SSG by submitting a 2 minute You Tube audition saying why you want to be an ssg and sharing a little about yourself.
atleast 22,000 is the sallary of gc(gentleman cadet)during training at pma the salary of captain is about 40 to 45000
Staff Sergeant/SSG
2nd best SSG commandos of the world? what u mean man? if u r talking about their rank then SSG is 3rd in the world
Nicole's last name from SevenSuperGirls (SSG) is not disclosed publicly to protect her privacy and safety.