The referee is in overall charge of the tournament. The umpire, where appointed, is in charge of the match, the court and its immediate surrounds. The umpire shall report to the referee. The service judge shall call service faults made by the server should they occur. A line judge shall indicate whether a shuttle landed 'in' or 'out' on the line or lines assigned. An official's decision is final on all points of fact for which that official is responsible
6 officials
4 line jugdes
1 umpire
1 service judge
there are 4 different officials in badminton
In Badminton all of the 6 officials all sit on the side and have a wank or bum each other
In badminton all of the 6 officials all sit on the side and have a wank or bum each other
ther is 5
To the side of the court.
hahaha nor
Badmintn does not require referees, but rather officials and line judges. You do not have to be in any physical shape, as officials remain stationary.
The Hawkeye is a computer system that assists officials in seeing whether a ball lands in or out of the court. It is used when a player challenges a call.
Sameer Pagare
People usually ask what are the names of the different lines of a badminton court.