for girls there is beam, bars, floor, and vault. but for the boys there is vault, floor, pommel horse, high bar, and rings.
A trapeze. Technically that might not be considered gymnastics though it is obviously very closely related because it is not a competitive discipline or aparatus within gymnastics.
explain the objectives of gymnastics
You can breathe underground by using submersible breathing aparatus similar to scuba gear used by divers.
Gymnastics are included in the Olympics. Sally excelled in gymnastics. Both males and females enjoy gymnastics.
The Fierce Five
Using proper English.
anywhere from five years to one month
Surface Nexus Underwater Breathing Aparatus
trac and field
lyre, gymnastics, mathematics, measure and wieghts, alphabet
Shawn Johnson is the first of all fiveOlga Korbut is one of the five