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what are the effects of confirmation to the life of the baptized person

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Q: What are the effects of confirmation to the life of the baptized person?
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Related questions

Is confirmation a repeat of baptism?

No. Baptism is the beginning. Most people are baptized just days after birth. There is no conscious awareness then. Confirmation is a reaffirmation of the religion that a person has been practicing most of his or her life. It is supposed to occur when the person is aware of his or her religion and is a very serious commitment in most religions.

What does the character of confirmation do for the soul?

The Church sees it as working in conjunction with baptism. A Catholic has to be baptized first, before he can undergo confirmation. If baptism initiates a Catholic into the Church, then confirmation calls on the Holy Spirit to come more fully into the confirmant's life to make him a full, productive member of the faith. The term they often use with confirmation is that confirmants become "soldiers of God" in the rite of confirmation.

What shows that the newly baptized has become a new creation in christ?

The newly baptized are clothed in a white garment, symbolizing the person's new life in Christ.

How are Lutherans baptized?

lutherans can be baptized at any age in life. i was baptized as a baby. but i know people who were baptized as adults. lutherans can be baptized at any age in life. i was baptized as a baby. but i know people who were baptized as adults.

Who baptized Saint Patrick?

no one knows much about his early life until he was about sixteen,so that is a question that we may never know

Can your godparent be your confirmation sponsor?

Yes indeed, your godparent can be your Confirmation Sponsor. However, your godparent does not have to be your Confirmation Sponsor. It can be anyone who exemplifies leading a good Christian life. You might pick a family member, neighbor, favorite teacher, or if you have a special bond with the person you could even ask a nun or priest. However, this person should be someone you see often throughout your life.

What is the meaning of sprinkling holy water on casket?

When baptized bywater, the person rose from death of original sin to new life in Christ. Now the person returns to God with new life in heaven forever. Water is the sign of life.

Why receive confirmation?

Confirmation reaffirms a person's faith and membership in the Christian church. It's a personal Pentecost for each individual, relying on the Holy Spirit to provide the necessities for a successful Christian life.

Why is preparation an important part of confirmation?

For exactly the same reasons as every other event in a person's life. One does not graduate from school without first attending school and receiving the lessons. So too, with Confirmation, one must learn the lessons about the Holy Spirit's Role in the person's life, in order to receive Him.

How does confirmation strengthen the church?

Because the Confirmed person vows to remain an active Christian all throughout his/her adult life.

How does baptism affect decision-making?

Baptism changes the life of the person who is baptized. It is an outward sign.When the act of being baptized is joined with the inwarddecision to accept Christ as one's Lord and Savior (and the optional confirmation/baptism classes depending on a person's denomination), it then becomes a part of one's spiritual growth - being an outward sign of an inward choice and commitment. Thus, it is not just the baptism that changes a person's life; it is the belief in and the accepting of Jesus Christ that does so.When a person accepts Christ, their choices and decisions should change from the sinful desires of their own heart to the God-honoring desires of their heavenly father. Please talk to your priest, minister, children's/youth pastor, or trusted Christian friend for more information.

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Self Esteem is a greater emotion in the life of a person. It makes a person confident about what he/she is.