Hammers are used to pound nails into an object, pull nails out of objects, and for other uses when hitting or pounding is necessary.
There are dozens of types of hammers with many different purposes. The uneducated may think they are only for pounding nails, but there are many other uses.
Claw Hammer Sledge hammer Ball peen hammer Framing Hammer Mallet hammer Framing Hammer Upholstery hammer Geologist's hammer
Given a boundless supply of compressed air, concrete can be broken up much easier and faster with a jackhammer than with an icepick or hammer and chisel.
The son who halted the Arab advance in Europe was (nick)named Charles Martel, which last word means ´the hammer´.
No, a hammer is not a wedge ! When did you last wedge anything with a hammer ..
Usually a tack hammer. But a brad driver that resembles an awl may be used.
Owen Hammer goes by The Hammer.
Um.. a hammer? Or a lever.
no,hammer time is all time. so hammer on
Speakers going hammer... HAMMER HAMMER
No, hammer is a common noun, any hammer. A proper noun is the name of a specific person, place, thing, or a title such as MC Hammer or Hammer SD.