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You will gain flexibility, strength, and grace from being in gymnastics. This will help you in many aspects of your life, not just gymnastics, such as in other sports and in physical education at school. If you are more in shape, you tend to be healthier and be more alert also.

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Q: What are some of the physical benefits to be derived from participating in gymnastics?
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What are some of physical benefits to be derived from participating in gymnastics?

You will gain flexibility, strength, and grace from being in gymnastics. This will help you in many aspects of your life, not just gymnastics, such as in other sports and in physical education at school. If you are more in shape, you tend to be healthier and be more alert also.

What is the definition for benefits derived?

I think its the gain someone gets after participating or involving him/herself in a certain activity

What benefits can you drive from participating in team sports?

By participating in team sports, the foremost benefit to be derived is the togetherness, combined effort to achieve success. It teaches us that without looking for individual performance, if we put joint effort in completing a task, the success rate is much higher in comparion to individual effort.

When was gymnastics first invented and where?

I think that gymnastics may have been originally invented from the ancient Greece athletes. It is believed that gymnastics developed in ancient Greece as a form of competition derived from activities like getting on and off horses and those performed by circus performers. In the late 18th century, physical educators developed exercises to be done on the first models of parallel and horizontal bars, and the pommel horse. These exercises eventually developed into forms of gymnastics.

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You can find examples of benefits derived from science at your local library. You can cite these sources directly from the exact books you use.

What are the benefits that can be derived from gymnastic?

In gymnastics you learn sportsmanship, patience, strength, and flexibility! You learn sportsmanship by being a good team mate and not pushing out your anger and feeling good for your team and yourself! Patience strength and flexibility come from being strong and listening to your coach and believing in them!

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you get to have the term "adrenalin junkie"

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the opportunity cost

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nursing care and belives

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