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Dottie, Lori and Kathy to name three!

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Q: What are some female pro golfer's nicknames?
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What is Pro golfers DA Points Initials stand for?

Darren Andrew

Why were some people pro American and some were pro British?

Golfers come from many different countries, and people travel all over the world to play at pro tournaments. Or maybe this is a homework question, and the right answer is that you should read the text you were told to read?

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What percent of pro golfers use titleist golf balls?

65% or so

How many women pro golfers are there?

There are thousands upon thousands of professional women golfers. There are numerous tours, such as the LET and LPGA. In Asia womens golf is massive.

Why don't men pro golfers wear shorts?

Simply because on Tour, they are not allowed to. Amateurs can though.

Do pro golfers charge a fee to play with non golf pros?

Depends. They would usually play in a pro-am event, which would cost the amateur golfers a lot of money, but the money wouldn't necessarily go to the player. If it was just a casual round it is unlikely that they would charge a fee, but they may do.

Why didn't Bobby Jones play on the Ryder Club matches?

He never turned pro. The Ryder Cup is for professional golfers only.

How much money does the golf industry make each year?

Golfers can earn millions of money. But it also depends how good they are Tiger Woods, etc, earn the most amount of money as golfers and pro golfers earn lots more than footballers and it is to known that pro golfers earn the most money in sport in the world

Where do pro golfers get painters hats?

If all the US pro golfers were asked if they could choose one tournament a year to win which one would it be?

I would guess that U.S. golfers think that the Masters is the one to win with the U.S. Open coming in second. Only one opinion.

What nicknames does Amber Roetemeyer go by?

Amber Roetemeyer goes by Pro AM.