Organization buying is the decision-making process by which formal organizations establish the need for purchased products and services and identify, evaluate, and choose among alternative brands and suppliers.
There are many key similarities between consumer buying behavior and business buying behavior. For example, both businesses and consumers buy goods that are essential to quality of life.
An organization may buy a variety of things to appeal to many people. A consumer will buy only what they specifically need or want.
customers buying things
Some money, as with buying anything.
Individual consumer buying behaviour has to do with all the processes undertaken by the various individual buyers in evaluating and making decisions towards purchasing a product for self- ocnsumption, family use or as a gift to other parties where as organisational buying behaviour has to do with the processes undertaken by a business in evaluatig and making decisions geared towards purchasing prodcuts or raw materials for further prodcution, to be sold to consumers for profit.
according to me the behaviour changes with ones experience that is the age of a person. today the behaviour of consumer has changed due much awareness towards their buying behaviour changes.
An actual buyer is someone who is committed to buying a product whereas a potential buyer is some who is interested in buying, but may not.
A general model of the communication process for promotions
ya mama
buying capacity and their preference
A recession.