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If you walk the main one is a walk of around 4-5 miles per round, which is obviously great excercise, especially in the fresh air.

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Q: What are physical benefits of playing golf?
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Some of the physical benefits of playing Racquetball include weight loss, muscle growth, and increased reaction speeds.

Does playing golf help your body?

Golf can help maintain flexibility and be a good source of exercise, especially as one ages. Any sort of physical activity will help your body.

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Playing floor hockey helps to develope eye-hand coordination, balance, agility, and physical fitness. It also requires teamwork.

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He has been playing golf for 30 years

What is 'physical benefits'?

Physical benefits are ones that can be measured physiologically

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What main different between playing tennis and playing golf?

you use a racket and you use a glove for golf

How can golf contribute to a healthy lifestyle mentall and physically?

you are enjoying a round of golf in a beautiful golf course with nature every were around you. It is relaxing to be away from civilization and the complication of technology and noise of cars on streets. It also keeps you physically fit and relaxed.

What level is intensity is playing golf while pulling or carrying a Set of clubs?

The level of intensity of playing Golf while pulling or carrying a set of golf clubs would be moderate intensity.

What are the benefits of children playing outdoors?

Playing outdoors can benefit your physical, mental, and emotional health. Your immune systems become stronger, and it even increases your serotonin level.

What are some of the physical benefits to be gained from playing baseball?

The physical benefits may be better endurance and physical strength from running and jumping to catch a ball.